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Let’s compare some core commands :-

Core commands

# Step ADE Command Git Command
1 Create a view based ade createview -label <view name> git clone <git://url.git> <target dir name>
2 Enter the view ade useview <view name> no equivalent
3 Refresh to the latest label/sources ade refreshview -latest git pull
4 Create and enter a work transaction ade begintrans <transaction name> git checkout -b <branch name>
5 Checkout files to work on them ade co <file name> file checkouts are automatics. No special command.
6 Creating a new file ade mkelem <file name> git add . (will add all created file under the dir)
7 Check in the files that are modified ade ci -all git commit -am "Message"
8 Revert the changes and remove file from transaction ade unbranch <file name> git checkout -- <file name>
9 Remove a newly added file ade unmkelem <file name> git reset HEAD <file name> to unstage, then rm it
10 Refresh to the latest label before merging ade refreshview -latest git rebase master (Assuming master is latest)
11 Show affected files within a transaction ade describetrans -short git diff origin/master..HEAD --name-only
12 Take diff of the affected file(s) ade diff -label <file name> -gui git diff origin/master..HEAD
13 Do a command line build make rebuild-changes Tailwind specific command line build
14 Merge the transaction ade beginmerge, ade mergetrans and ade endmerge git push (If within 'master' branch)
15 Transaction status auto closes after endmerge ??? (git branch -d <branch name>)?
16 View the changes you staged for the next commit relative to HEAD ?? git diff --cached --name-status
17 View the changes you staged for the next commit relative to origin/master ?? git diff --cached origin/master --name-status


1 Begin a transaction = create git branch ade begintrans <trans_name> git checkout -b <trans_name>
2 Switch transaction. You don't need a new git clone. ade begintrans -reopen <trans_name> git checkout <trans_name>
3 Switch to main branch No ade equivalent git checkout master
4 Get a list of available transactions (or branches) ?? git branch -v
5 Get a list of available transactions (or branches) from all users. Only shows branches saved to origin repository. ?? git branch -a
6 Refresh view ade refreshview -latest git checkout master && git pull && git checkout <trans_name> && git merge master
7 View status ade describetrans git status
8 Get a list of recent commits ?? git log origin/master..HEAD
9 Get a list of committed files ?? git diff origin/master..HEAD --name-only
10 Save branch changes to remote. This is not required before merge. It is just for keeping your changes safe or sharing it with others. ade savetrans git push origin <trans_name>
11 Merge trans ade beginmerge, ade mergetrans, ade endmerge git checkout master && git pull && git merge <trans_name> && git push
12 Delete remote branch (after you are done with it) ?? git push origin --delete <trans_name>
13 Delete local branch / Abort trans ade aborttrans git branch -D <trans_name>