Work on your sleep - Sleep Better

If you want to have a postive attitude towards life and a fresh mind, sleep well.

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As once Dalai Lama said :
Sleep is the best medication.

A good night’s sleep is vital to our physical health and emotional wellbeing. That’s why the benefits of good sleep should never be underestimated and getting a proper rest on a regular basis isn’t just a good idea, it’s an essential one.

So this post will answer 3 questions about sleep and hope you gin something out of it.

  1. Why Good Sleep Is Important?
  2. How to improve your sleep?
  3. Which habits ruin your sleep?

Though I will try to answer these questions in a point wise manner, but also explain a little as we move forward. Sleep Sense

Why Good Sleep Is Important?

1. Sleep helps reduce stress
If your body doesn’t get enough sleep, it can react by producing an elevated level of stress hormones.
2. Sleep can improve your memory
Ever noticed that when you’re really tired it’s harder to remember things? Basically, this is your brain telling you that it’s not getting enough sleep. When you sleep well, your body may be resting but your brain is busy organising and storing memories.
3. Sleep can lower your blood pressure
4. Sleep helps your body to fight back
While you’re sleeping your body is producing extra protein molecules that can strengthen your ability to fight infections.If you’re feeling a bit run down and don’t want it to turn into a full-blown cold, go to bed early and get lots of rest.
5. Sleep can help you maintain your weight
6. Sleep puts you in a better mood
The better you sleep, the better your ability to stay calm, controlled and reasonable.
7. Sleep could reduce your chances of diabetes
8. Sleep helps keep your heart healthy
9. Sleep can be a painkiller

Sleep Sense

How to improve your sleep?

1. Get some sunlight in the moring
Along with vitamin D, a restful start of day, you will also improve your sleep by doing this for just 10-15 minutes a day.
2. Have a wind-downn routine
• Avoid electronics/food just before sleeping.
• Listen to music and read instead.
• Either, a journal can be maintained, just do something that does not require too much mental work.
3. Get some exercise early in the morning
4. Use your bed for sleeping only - not even for mobile phones or eating
This will train your mind that the bed is the place associated with sleeping and as soon as you got o bed, you will fall asleep.
5. Make your bedroom cold.
6. Take a hot bath before bedtime. (1 hour before)
7. Have a sleep schedule
8. Optimize your bedroom - cold, dark and silent.
9. Meditation
This should go without any explanantion.

“Lack of sleep is only bad if you have to drive, or think, or talk, or move.”

Sleep Sense

Which habits ruin your sleep?

1. Caffeine (or tea, coffee, energy drinks) - last cup 6 - 8 hrs before sleeping
2. Nicotine
3. Drinking too much liquid before sleep.
We know fluids are good for health but too much fluid before sleep can wake you up in the middle of te night.
4. Using your electronics
Screens were made to imitate day light (the blue light), so it tricks our mind to beleive its still day, so we are not able to sleep.
5. Lying in bed awake
Try for 20 minutes to sleep, if still unable to sleep, get out of bed, and come back after doinf things like reading, journal, music etc.
6. Alarm clock going off in the middle of sleep cycle
Sleep as android is a good app on play store that helps in this case, and wakes you up when you are not in your deep sleep.
7. Day time napping (or evening)
No more than 20 minutes a day, avoid it at all if possible.
8. Alcohol or Sleeping pills
Many people think that alcohol helps them in sleeping, as it helps, but also drastically reduces sleep quality which in turn is bad. So, try to give up stimulated sleep and aquire natural sleep.
9. Bad eating habits
Yes, eating habits also have a role in maintaining your sleep. Please avoid high carb and sugar, and also avoid large meals at night.

I hope this will help you in maintaining healthy sleep and also answer some of your questions. Please reach out to me on any of my social networking handles for further discussion on the topic.

Bye Bye.